Dayforce File Submission
This screen allows Payroll Managers to review all files generated by Preceda that could be synced with Dayforce.
- The screen will only enable if Preceda Variable *PP_DFI_STATUS is set to A.
Payrun Groups to be integrated are selected via Dayforce Configuration screen.
File sync methods are selected via Dayforce Configuration screen.
Rules and Guidelines
The types of files available via this screen are the following:
Earnings Statement - This contains employee's Pay Slip data as at a Payrun Close if the employee is paid in the payrun. The information is to be consumed by employees via Dayforce Self Service.
Employee Entitlement Balance - Payrun Close - This contains employee's latest Leave Balance as at a Payrun Close if the employee is included in the payrun, whether paid or not. The information is to be consumed by employees via Dayforce Self Service.
Employee Entitlement Balance - Ad Hoc - This contains employee's latest Leave Balance as at the last time Calculate Leave Accrual is run for an integrated Payrun Group, whether as part of One Step template or not.
HR Import This contains a list of employees who've had Payrun Group changes in between scheduled jobs, i.e., in the past day. It creates a new effective date Employment Status record for the employee in Dayforce associated with the new Pay Group. It further ensures timesheets in Dayforce can be properly synced back to Preceda for future payrun processing.
The files are in XML format. A new XML file is created in below occasions:
Earnings Statement Employee Entitlement Balance - Payrun Close Employee Entitlement Balance - Ad Hoc HR Import Payrun Close
Note: This means if a payrun is closed then restored, a new file will be created when closing payrun again.
1 XML per Payrun Header ID per Level 1 per Level 2 1 XML per Payrun Header ID Calculate Leave Accrual is run when there is no file for the same Payrun Group yet 1 XML per Payrun Group Calculate Leave Accrual is run when all files for the same Payrun Group are at the status of 'File Submitted' 1 XML per Payrun Group (if process id has payrun group)
1 XML for all Payrun Group (if process id has no payrun group)
Every time the scheduled job is run 1 XML per scheduled job
Search Area

Earning Statement, Employee Entitlement Balance - Payrun Close, Employee Entitlement Balance - Ad Hoc, HR Import

File Created, File Approved, File Submitted

The datetime the file is last created or updated

The datetime the file is last approved

The datetime the file is last submitted

Payrun Group Code if relevant to that file

Payrun Header ID if relevant to that file

Only relevant to file type of Earning Statement

Only relevant to file type of Earning Statement
Field Information

This contains the name of the Payrun Group of the selected file if relevant.

This contains the Payrun Header ID of the selected file if relevant.

This is a read-only field that contains the Payrun Environment of the selected file.

This contains the Payment Date of the selected file if relevant.

This contains the Period End Date of the selected file if relevant.

This contains a unique ID of the selected file.

This displays the file type (i.e., Earning Statement, HR Import) of the selected file.

This contains the filename of the selected file.
The name displayed is the same as it would appear in Preceda SFTP.

This displays the count of employees included on the selected file.

This displays the file's submission status.
Status | Description |
File Created - Ready for review and approval | The file is ready for review and approval |
File Approved - Ready for submission | The file is ready for submission |
File Submitted. | The file has been submitted at least once |

This displays the creation date of the file.

This is a read-only field that displays the name of the user who created the file.
For Earnings Statement and Employee Entitlement Balance - Payrun Close, it will display the Full Name or Application username, if the former does not exist, of who ran Payrun Close.
For Employee Entitlement Balance - Ad Hoc, it will display the Full Name or Application username, if the former does not exist, of who ran Calculate Leave Accrual for the first time for the Payrun Group.
For HR Import, it will display Preceda, as it is triggered by a scheduled job.

This displays the date and time when the file was last updated.
The date displayed defaults to the File Created Datetime.
For the Employee Entitlement Balance - Ad Hoc, this will be updated when the next Calculate Accrual is ran for the same Payrun Group.

This displays the name of the user who last updated the file.
For the Employee Entitlement Balance - Ad Hoc, this will be updated when the next Calculate Accrual is ran for the same Payrun Group.

This is a read-only field that displays the date and time when the file was last approved.
For files that requires Review before sync as set via Dayforce Configuration screen, the last approved datetime will be at the point when Approve File button was clicked the last time; while for files that are Auto-synced, it defaults to File Created Datetime.

This is a read-only field that displays the name of the user who approved the file.
For files that requires Review before sync as set via Dayforce Configuration screen, it will display the full name or username, if the former does not exist, of who clicked the Approve File button the last time; while for files that are Auto-synced, it defaults to File Created by.

This is a read-only field that displays the date and time when the file was last approved.
For files that requires Review before sync as set via Dayforce Configuration screen, the last approved datetime will be at the point when Approve File button was clicked the last time; while for files that are Auto-synced, it defaults to File Created Datetime.

This displays the name of the user who submitted the file.
For files that requires Review before sync as set via Dayforce Configuration screen, it will display the full name or username, if the former does not exist, of who clicked the Submit File button the last time; while for files that are Auto-synced, it defaults to File Created by.

Clicking this button will allow you to see and review the file in XML format.
This is only visible for users who have access to Activity ID M001804.

Approve File button is active only when the file's status is File Created.
Clicking this button will get the file to be ready for submission.

Approve File button will be available and active only when the file's status is File Approved.
Clicking this button will unauthorise the approval, so that the file cannot be submitted yet.

Clicking this button will upload the file to Preceda SFTP.
If clicked multiple times for the same file, it will replace the original file in Preceda SFTP.